Hello Lillo 👋
The End of Boring Chatbots
Telegram communities often follow a predictable cycle: rapid initial growth, followed by a decline in engagement. Members become less active, conversations stagnate, and moderation turns into a tedious, resource-intensive task. Many communities struggle with fragmentation, where discussions become scattered, repetitive questions dominate, and spam dilutes meaningful interactions.
Traditional chatbots have attempted to address these challenges, but they fall short. They lack contextual understanding, provide generic responses, and fail to foster real engagement. As a result, communities that once thrived begin to fade, and retention rates drop.
The need for an intelligent, dynamic solution that actively engages users and simplifies moderation has never been more critical.
Meet Lillo AI
Lillo.ai is here to change the game. Designed to supercharge Telegram communities, Lillo is more than just another chatbot—it’s an AI-powered companion built to drive engagement and keep conversations alive.
What Makes Lillo Different?
✅ Engaging AI Conversations – Unlike generic chatbots, Lillo fosters meaningful discussions, answers community-specific questions, and adapts to your audience’s tone and style.
✅ Real-Time Market Data – Stay informed with up-to-the-minute updates on crypto prices, market trends, and relevant financial insights.
✅ Customizable AI Personality – Tailor Lillo to reflect your community’s unique culture and values.
✅ Quick and Easy Setup – Onboard Lillo quickly for any project, for free, with no coding required.
✅ Dedicated Relationship Manager – The Lillo team offers full support in helping you customize your agent, with a dedicated team member always available to assist.
✅ Automatic Updates and Improvements – As we continue to enhance features and improve the agent, everyone receives live updates and benefits from ongoing development.
✅ Lillo Doesn't Sleep – As community moderators hit the hay, Lillo Agents continue to work around the clock to keep your community engaged.
As the network expands, everyone will benefit from the ever-growing community of developers contributing to Lillo, either directly or through their own custom agents.
Lillo.ai transforms Telegram communities from stagnant to thriving. Whether you’re a crypto project, gaming community, or Web3 startup, Lillo ensures your members stay engaged, informed, and excited to be part of the conversation.
The future of community engagement starts here. Welcome to Lillo.ai.
Core Concepts
Introduction - Framework overview and architecture
Agent System - Agent architecture and capabilities
Language Models - LLM integration and providers
Framework - System architecture and design
Platform Interfaces
Telegram - Telegram bot integration
Chat - Chat functionality
Market Data - Cryptocurrency data
Image Generation - AI image creation
Community - Community management
Quick Links
For New Users
For Developers
For Operators
We welcome contributions to the documentation. Please ensure you:
Follow the existing structure
Maintain consistent formatting
Update the SUMMARY.md when adding new pages
Test all links before submitting changes
If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement: Telegram community
Last updated